Saturday, was so hot. My sister invited us to swim at her house in the morning. The last time I had fun swimming was in July 2007. That was before my big surgery. The next time I tried swimming was when I had my colostomy in 2008. Swimming did not go well that summer. The colostomy was fine, but I was still too weak from having had sepsis. Swimming made me feel very ill that summer. Well I am happy to say that summer 2009 is great. This time I was able to swim back and forth across the pool several times. It was so fun and something to praise God about. Later we were invited to a BBQ at Mark's cousin's house. His cousin has a pool too and so I went for a short swim. I was a bit tired, but I did good. We enjoyed visiting, but after dinner my tummy pain kicked in and I got a few cramps. Sunday was another day of pain and today too.
I still have not decided whether I should go for the colonoscopy or not. Mark says "no". We know that it probably will not show anything. On top of that, my bowel doctor has already said if it is endometriosis he will not know what to look for. So that means I have to go up and see my endometriosis doctor. I will be talking to him next week. I am still limiting the amount of hormones I take (which is about nothing).
In other news the fires have started burning around Southern California. We can see a plume of smoke from a fire that is up in Los Angeles. I took a couple of pictures of it as the plume changes appearance every so often. Mark said he heard on the news that it is going to take fire fighters a week or more to put this fire out.