Saturday, January 16, 2010

My Sweet Princess

This morning my dear sweet Princess kitty could hardly breathe.  We took her to the vet who did tests and found cancer in her lungs.  We made the decision to put her to sleep.  It is very lonely without her here, she and I were very attached.

The side effects from the shots finally wore off.  My tummy is still sore from the PT.  Some areas still hurt and others are doing better, except for the spot that hates food.  That spot is unaffected.  Praise the Lord that it is not in a flare right now, otherwise I would be ultra miserable.  Oh, my weight has dropped down to 99 lbs. a bit worried about that.  In other news, we cleaned out the garage today.  It was not as bad as I thought it might be.

3 comments: said...

hi Becky! I'm sorry about your kitty. May God continue to carry you.

Sue said...

I am so sorry about your sweet kitty, and right after sweet little Bun! (((Hug))) I pray that God will heal your heart, and when the time comes bring you just the right companions for you once you're in your new home.

Susan said...

Becky - I am so sorry! Bunny and kitty both in way too short a time :( I hurt for you!