Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hanging Out at Home

The boys are on campus today. I am not doing anything special, just cleaning house, doing laundry, etc. I can concentrate on my work better when all my men are gone. LOL There is always so much to do, but I am thankful for the work. Tonight I am having leftovers since the guys are going to Boy Scouts. While they are at scouts, I plan on doing my grocery shopping. So it is an eat and run night.

We finally got the endoscopy scheduled. It will be on April 1st at 10:30 AM. And I am getting the scope done with the doctor that I wanted! I am always amazed at what the Lord does, how He really does listen. I do not know why, but I am really afraid of this procedure. They are going to dope me up, so that will help. Also, Mark is taking the day off because I cannot drive myself home afterward. It will be nice to have his company.


Rachel Smith said...

I hope you have a good day!

You have been tagged. See my blog for details.

candy said...

Those are pretty pictures :)
I am glad you got your apt. with the doctor you wanted. And glad that your husband is going to be there with you. Dont be scared, God will help you get thru this. I will pray for you all day that day and the night before and I know you will be ok :)