Friday, November 20, 2009

A November Walk in the Park

Today was a busy day.  After Mark and the boys went off to school and work, I got myself ready for my day.  First on my agenda was making the house tidy in case realtors decided to drop by.  Then I went off to the lab to get my blood panel done.  Today was not a good day for that.  I got stuck 4 times before they got enough blood out of me.  After that I grabbed a bite to eat at Starbucks and went over to Mark's office.  We chatted for a bit and then I was off to my physcial therapy appointment.  After that I jumped in the car and went to pick the boys up from school.  They only had a half day today.  On half days I also pick up their friend and let him stay at my house till his mom gets off work.  When we got home we noticed two realtors had stopped by and after a few hours of being home we got a call that a 3rd realtor was coming.  It was time for the boys' friend to go home so I dropped him off along with Brandon who had been invited to stay and hang out.  Since it was just Eric and me, I decided to go to the park.  I brought my camera along and took pictures.



Seawashed said...

Love you sweet sweet friend. said...

lovely photos!! Fun day :-)

sherry said...

I love your son's t-shirt. :o)

Think I caught your cold. sniff. All from 450 miles away. sniff. sigh.

jAne * tickleberry farm