Brandon had his turn helping to guard the fireworks stand with his Dad. He was not quite as thrilled with the job as Eric. Mark is pleased to have the boys' company, so Eric is going to help his Dad again tonight. Eric says he is happy to guard because it gives him a chance to help.
Today, Eric and I had a special day alone together while Brandon and Mark slept after guard duty. We went out to lunch at Panera Bread. Then we walked next door to the donut shop for a treat. We had a lot of fun. After that, we had to go to work shopping. Eric needed some shoes and clothes. Not always easy finding what we need, especially when considering price. We had to go to a few stores, but we accomplished our goal. Eric was completely happy with his purchases which makes me smile. On the way home we stopped in old town. Eric introduced me to a bakery that his friend told him about. We popped in and found that the bakery was nearly empty due to the holiday. What they did have looked delicious. We are planning on going back next week when Farmer's Market will be held. That way we can load up on fresh veggies & fruit and then hit the bakery. After going to the bakery we walked over to the nursery and picked up some flowers for my flower pots. We had a very enjoyable day.
Tonight is the last night Mark has guard duty. We were supposed to buy fireworks tonight, but we did not do it because some family drama arose with Brandon. Right now we are having a load of trouble with that boy. Sigh. If you feel lead, could you please pray for Brandon. Mark and I need all the help we can get.
Have a great 4th Becky!
I will pray for Brandon. It was nice to read about your 4th of July. Happy 4th of July!!!! :)
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