Today I woke up with a cold so I did not do any heavy work. My cold is pretty light compared with that flu I had, even so I had to take a couple of naps. I took some pictures and thought I would share them with you all. Above is one of my kitty Dusty in our sunroom looking out at a beautiful fall day here in Southern California.
Here is my "Autumn Time" basket. I finally got it out from storage. Brandon commented how it made him feel warm and cozy.
I've been going through all our stuff here at the cottage. Years of memories. Maybe these look sort of disgusting, considering that it is very old Play-doh. These are jars that Eric made when he was little. As you might guess I am a sentimental pack rat. Oh well, one is a tomato and the other almost resembles a green pepper. I took a picture of them just in case I decide that it is time to toss them.
23 hours ago
I love that photo of your cat. It looks so calm and peaceful.
i hope you are better soon! i will keep you in prayer :-) I was just thinking about sharing this verse with you :
mt 19:29And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother[a] or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. 30But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.
Thank you Sue!
Outdoor Mom, thank you for this great verse!! It really comforts me big time! I have written down on a sticky note and posted it where I can see it.
I can relate to how hard it is to part with "memories." With the kids' artwork ... something I've done because you just can't keep it all is take photos (as you did) and then make a book of them at or The books are really nice and they're a manageable way to keep those memories without all the stuff ...
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