Here is a picture of the hospital. I do not know how long I will be there. I am scheduled for surgery at 1:15 PM (pacific time). I just got a phone call today that they changed the time. I wish they would have told me sooner. Oh well, Mark is taking the day off and this makes it so we can sleep in. Today I am doing the bowel prep. I have not been able to do much of anything for feeling ill. They told me to take two bottles of the saline. One went down fine, but the second one was too much for my small frame (5'1"). Shortly after taking it I heaved. Scared the boys, so they called their father at work. Ever since I have felt ill. Trying to drink more fluids, but everything has become unappealing. The pleasant lady on the phone told me not to worry they will give me an IV to hydrate me since I am not allowed to drink after midnight. Ugh! I sure hope they will be able to find a vein. It is always unpleasant to go through, multiple needle pokes.
Last night my cat jumped up on the bed and ran right over my tummy. Woke me right up and the first thing I thought of was that I am really going to surgery. I started crying and had to have Mark comfort me. It certainly will be hard to sleep tonight having a hungry tummy. I don't know that anyone reads my blog, but if you do, I humbly ask for prayer for all of us. Bless you!
23 hours ago
Dear Becky,
Nice to meet you! Thank you so kindly for the comment you left for me :) You are so sweet!
I am sorry to read about the health issues you have faced, (on your profile). Also, I hope, and will pray that all will go well for you with this recent procedure.
I will say a prayer for you right now,
Becky, you are definitely in my prayers! You were so kind to leave encouraging comments when Carissa was in the hospital. So, I will try to do the same. It is such a busy time for us right now, but you won't be forgotten in my prayers.
Love and {gentle hugs}
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